無限高高樓垂降逃生裝置 infinite high-rise building escape device3
http://www.nosecomm.url.tw/custom_132343.html 真人垂降示範 真人垂降示範 利用真人做簡易垂降示範, 更多優化將陸續完成 《如何提升建築價值,確保高樓逃生萬無一失? 》 敝司為台灣本土新創企業,致力於開發對人類有益對環境友善的產品,在此向你推薦最新發明[無限高高樓垂降逃生裝置],只需安裝一支即可全棟使用,尤其可確保高樓住戶逃生萬無一失! 傳統垂降設備缺點有:1. 無法超過15F2. 高樓風大晃動厲害危險性高3. 一條繩索決定生死風險較高4. 單點單人垂降脫離速度較慢5. 無法安全攜帶小孩老人或是寵物垂降6. 設備沒有終身保固,需定期更新7. 火災成因千百種,高樓居住安全成隱憂 在此歡迎各位朋友於4/24-26蒞臨台北南港展覽館1館1F,參加【2024台北國際防火防災應用展】必訪攤位: #345 台灣奈米濾材科技公司最新發明: 【無限高高樓垂降逃生裝置】誠摯歡迎您的參觀https://www.secutech.com/24/tw/promote/index.aspx?xd=3077最新發明 [無限高高樓垂降逃生裝置] 優點包括:1. 30sec做好垂降準備2. 無限高、高穩定負重、高逃生率、無須跳樓3. 低恐懼、還可多人多點同時逃生4. 可攜帶老人、小孩、寵物一起垂降5. 永久保固、低建置空間、低保養成本、高使用壽命6. 提升建築價值,讓住戶高枕無憂!各式高樓建商、用戶請務必正視高樓逃生問題,讓珍貴的生命不再無辜消失!如果你希望住的安心睡得安穩,歡迎來電洽詢 03-5740188更多資訊: http://www.nosecomm.url.tw/product_cg406704.html
http://www.nosecomm.url.tw/custom_132342.html 輪胎垂降示範 輪胎垂降示範 利用輪胎做垂降測試獲取實驗資訊 《如何提升建築價值,確保高樓逃生萬無一失? 》 敝司為台灣本土新創企業,致力於開發對人類有益對環境友善的產品,在此向你推薦最新發明[無限高高樓垂降逃生裝置],只需安裝一支即可全棟使用,尤其可確保高樓住戶逃生萬無一失! 傳統垂降設備缺點有:1. 無法超過15F2. 高樓風大晃動厲害危險性高3. 一條繩索決定生死風險較高4. 單點單人垂降脫離速度較慢5. 無法安全攜帶小孩老人或是寵物垂降6. 設備沒有終身保固,需定期更新7. 火災成因千百種,高樓居住安全成隱憂 在此歡迎各位朋友於4/24-26蒞臨台北南港展覽館1館1F,參加【2024台北國際防火防災應用展】必訪攤位: #345 台灣奈米濾材科技公司最新發明: 【無限高高樓垂降逃生裝置】誠摯歡迎您的參觀https://www.secutech.com/24/tw/promote/index.aspx?xd=3077最新發明 [無限高高樓垂降逃生裝置] 優點包括:1. 30sec做好垂降準備2. 無限高、高穩定負重、高逃生率、無須跳樓3. 低恐懼、還可多人多點同時逃生4. 可攜帶老人、小孩、寵物一起垂降5. 永久保固、低建置空間、低保養成本、高使用壽命6. 提升建築價值,讓住戶高枕無憂!各式高樓建商、用戶請務必正視高樓逃生問題,讓珍貴的生命不再無辜消失!如果你希望住的安心睡得安穩,歡迎來電洽詢 03-5740188更多資訊: http://www.nosecomm.url.tw/product_cg406704.html
http://www.nosecomm.url.tw/custom_132341.html 煞車繩使用示範 煞車繩使用示範 利用拉繩產生摩擦力降低轉速甚至停止, 達到可自由控制垂降速度確保安全安心可靠! [無限高高樓垂降逃生裝置],只需安裝一支即可全棟使用,尤其可確保高樓住戶逃生萬無一失! 傳統垂降設備缺點有:1. 無法超過15F2. 高樓風大晃動厲害危險性高3. 一條繩索決定生死風險較高4. 單點單人垂降脫離速度較慢5. 無法安全攜帶小孩老人或是寵物垂降6. 設備沒有終身保固,需定期更新7. 火災成因千百種,高樓居住安全成隱憂 在此歡迎各位朋友於4/24-26蒞臨台北南港展覽館1館1F,參加【2024台北國際防火防災應用展】必訪攤位: #345 台灣奈米濾材科技公司最新發明: 【無限高高樓垂降逃生裝置】誠摯歡迎您的參觀https://www.secutech.com/24/tw/promote/index.aspx?xd=3077最新發明 [無限高高樓垂降逃生裝置] 優點包括:1. 30sec做好垂降準備2. 無限高、高穩定負重、高逃生率、無須跳樓3. 低恐懼、還可多人多點同時逃生4. 可攜帶老人、小孩、寵物一起垂降5. 永久保固、低建置空間、低保養成本、高使用壽命6. 提升建築價值,讓住戶高枕無憂!各式高樓建商、用戶請務必正視高樓逃生問題,讓珍貴的生命不再無辜消失!如果你希望住的安心睡得安穩,歡迎來電洽詢 03-5740188更多資訊: http://www.nosecomm.url.tw/product_cg406704.html
http://www.nosecomm.url.tw/custom_132023.html 無限高高樓垂降逃生設備 無限高高樓垂降逃生設備 《天災人禍危機四伏,你有居安思危嗎?》實際案例:1.火災起因千百種,高能電池成為新隱憂2.室內煙囪效應火勢濃煙蔓延迅速3.向下逃生若受阻,迅速向上爭取逃生時間4.千萬別跳樓, [無限高 逃生垂降桿]助你迅速離開火場5.如果無法向上或向下, 請至最近逃生桿迅速逃生最新發明 [無限高垂降逃生裝置] 優點包括:1. 30sec做好垂降準備2. 無限高、高穩定負重、高逃生率、無須跳樓3. 低恐懼、還可多人多點同時逃生4. 可攜帶老人、小孩、寵物一起垂降5. 永久保固、低建置空間、低保養成本、高使用壽命各式高樓用戶請務必正視高樓逃生問題,讓珍貴的生命不再無辜消失!如果你希望住的安心,歡迎來電洽詢 03-5740188 【無限高 高樓垂降逃生裝置】 Q&A Q1: 什麽是無限高高樓逃生裝置?A1: 由多支金屬螺杆拼接而成的無限高螺杆,搭配對應的開闔式螺母裝置,可搭載吊挂逃生人員由高樓直接垂降至地面 Q2: 此裝置的優勢有哪些?A2: 金屬螺杆穩定高負重且非常靠近墻面,因此可大幅降低恐懼感,其優勢包括:1. 無限高度、可對應各式高樓建築2. 可多點多人同時逃生,開闔式螺母裝置可以再任意高度夾合螺杆直接垂降3. 建置面積小,只需約 30X30cm 地面面積4. 裝置壽命長,金屬螺杆耐用穩固還可回收重複使用5. 安全性高,低晃動、高負載、垂降速度可控,還可以與小孩一起垂降6. 全螺杆裝置多個 單向開闔式 U 型夾,可大幅提升螺杆穩定度7. 裝置防火耐高溫8. 附設定滑輪拉繩,可將逃生衣及開闔式螺母裝置吊挂循環至高樓層使用 Q3: 此裝置費用?A3: 1. 無論樓高只需一支螺杆,因此比傳統式逃生梯經濟實惠2. 年度保養,設備壽命長,折舊率低,爲有價設備 3. 家戶可以自備開闔式螺母裝置及逃生衣或是使用公共設備 Q4: 此裝置負重限制?A4: 負重限制與開闔式螺母設計相關,可依需求選購下列樣式: 一般型 限重100Kg、加重型 限重150kg、特用型 限重 200kg Q5: 不同樓層如果設置逃生點會有那些裝置?A5: 如于窗臺旁會裝設一活動式登高梯,逃生人員只需將螺母止擋插銷插入螺杆對應插孔幷將開闔式螺母裝置夾合完成後,將穿好逃生衣的挂鈎與螺母裝置勾合即可完成吊挂,此時人員仍處于靜止狀態,待拔出止擋插銷後即可開始垂降! Q6: 如果垂降速度太快如何處置?A6: 垂降速度除受硬體設計影響外,還可透過逃生人員自主控制,例如將戴手套的雙手微微握住螺母下方即可達到减速的目的 Q7: 到達地面時會有安全設施嗎?A7: 于螺杆底座會包覆緩衝墊,可以確保逃生人員不會硬著陸 Q8: 我沒有開闔式螺母及逃生衣該怎麽辦?A8: 每個垂降點都會設置逃生指示燈及逃生裝置橱櫃,建議常住居民可以自備逃生裝置,另外垂降後的逃生裝置會透過防火拉繩傳送至高樓層供其他逃生人員使用 Q9: 我有小孩、寵物無法自行垂降該怎麽辦?A9: 大人可以與小孩、寵物各自穿戴逃生衣幷共用開闔式螺母裝置一起垂降,逃生衣可以對應各式大小樣式需求! Q10: 遇到下方螺杆靠窗處有火苗竄出可以繼續垂降嗎?A10: 螺杆本身極耐高溫且導熱快,因此一般火焰無法改變其結構,此時只需快速通過即可安全離開 Q11: 遇到逃生人員衆多,螺杆有堵塞現象時該怎麽辦?A11: 只需將戴手套的手握在螺母下方即可减速甚至停止,脚可以踩在下方的螺母上方避免相撞,待堵塞狀况解除後即可繼續垂降 Q12: 沒有用過會不會緊張?A12: 本裝置透過一固定螺杆垂降,而且雙手可以輕握螺杆增加安全感,與傳統式垂降繩索相比,可以大幅减少晃動、無須擔心負重問題、無須擔心繩索安全性、無樓高限制,預計在推廣初期會舉辦逃生演練體驗活動,讓大家熟悉這項安全、簡單、便利、高效的高樓必備逃生裝置! Q1: What is an infinite high-rise building escape device?A1: An infinitely high screw made of multiple metal screws, with a corresponding opening and closing nut device, which can carry suspended escape personnel from high-rise buildings directly to the ground. Q2: What are the advantages of this device?A2: The metal screw is stable and highly load-bearing and is very close to the wall, so it can greatly reduce fear. Its advantages include:1. Infinite height, suitable for various high-rise buildings2. Multiple people can escape from multiple points at the same time. The opening and closing nut device can clamp the screw at any height and drop directly.3. The construction area is small, only about 30X30cm ground area4. The device has a long service life, and the metal screw is durable and stable and can be recycled and reused.5. High safety, low shaking, high load, controllable rappelling speed, and can also be rappelled with children6. The whole screw is equipped with multiple one-way opening and closing U-shaped clamps, which can greatly improve the stability of the screw.7. The device is fire-proof and high-temperature resistant8. Equipped with a set pulley rope, the escape suit and opening and closing nut device can be hung and circulated to high floors for use. Q3: How much does this device cost?A3:1. No matter the height of the building, only one screw is required, so it is more economical and more economical than traditional escape ladders.2. Annual maintenance, long equipment life, low depreciation rate, valuable equipment3. Households can bring their own opening and closing nut devices and escape suits or use public facilities Q4: What is the weight limit of this device?A4: The load limit is related to the opening and closing nut design. You can choose the following styles according to your needs: General type has a weight limit of 100Kg, extra type has a weight limit of 150kg, and special type has a weight limit of 200kg. Q5: If there are escape points on different floors, what devices will be there?A5: If a movable climbing ladder is installed next to the window sill, the escape personnel only need to insert the nut stop pin into the corresponding socket of the screw rod and clamp the opening and closing nut device, and then put on the hook and nut of the escape suit The device is hooked up to complete the hanging. At this time, the person is still in a stationary state. After pulling out the stop pin, you can start rappelling! Q6: What should I do if the rappelling speed is too fast?A6: In addition to being affected by the hardware design, the rappel speed can also be controlled independently by the escape personnel. For example, the purpose of deceleration can be achieved by slightly holding the bottom of the nut with gloved hands. Q7: Will there be safety facilities when arriving on the ground?A7: The screw base will be covered with a cushion to ensure that the escaping personnel will not have a hard landing. Q8: What should I do if I don’t have a snap-on nut or an escape jacket?A8: Each rappel point will be equipped with an escape indicator light and an escape device cabinet. It is recommended that permanent residents can bring their own escape devices. In addition, the escape devices after rappelling will be transmitted to high floors through fire ropes for other escape personnel to use. Q9: What should I do if I have children or pets who are unable to rappel on their own?A9: Adults, children, and pets can each wear an escape suit and rappel together by sharing the opening and closing nut device. The escape suit can meet the needs of various sizes and styles! Q10: If there are flames coming out of the lower screw near the window, can I continue to rappel?A10: The screw itself is extremely resistant to high temperatures and conducts heat quickly, so general flames cannot change its structure. At this time, you only need to pass quickly to leave safely. Q11: What should you do when there are many people escaping and the screw is blocked?A11: Just hold your gloved hand under the nut to slow down or even stop. You can step on the nut below to avoid collision. You can continue rappelling after the blockage is relieved. Q12: Do you feel nervous if you haven’t used it before?A12: This device rappels through a fixed screw, and the screw can be lightly held with both hands to increase the sense of security. Compared with traditional rappelling ropes, it can significantly reduce shaking, no need to worry about load-bearing issues, no need to worry about rope safety, and no building height. Due to restrictions, it is expected that escape drill experience activities will be held in the early stages of the promotion to familiarize everyone with this safe, simple, convenient and efficient essential escape device for high-rise buildings!
http://www.nosecomm.url.tw/ 台灣奈米濾材科技(股)公司